Previous entries of this blog, which have appeared near-daily in recent months, can be found via This blog is dedicated to D. Trump, commander in thief of the USA 9/25 On 9/25, during his regular ca. 70 mins AM stroll/jog in his Washington, DC neighborhood (Cleveland Park), your blogger picked up (and later discarded in public waste receptacles) five PWBs (plastic water bottles), thereby continuing his modest, but regular, one-person effort to diminish, granted in a minuscule way, the plastic infestation of a historic area in the Imperial Capital. Details of PWBs pickup: On Tilden Street -- one PWB (half full of urine; not an unusual liquid found in discarded PWBs) In Rock Creek Park , picnic area #1 (see below image) -- one On Porter Street, Cleveland Park Trash Kingdom of Plastic Water Bottles -- two On Connecticut Avenue -- one humongous 50.7 FL OZ PWB of Spring Water, with a label your blogger had never seen before, which...