[Updated 10/31] 10/26-27/28,10/31 -- Latest News on the Plastic Water Bottle Infestation in a DC neighborhood
This blog is dedicated to D. Trump, "You're Fired" business con of the "art of the steal" -- and now Kommander in thief of the USA Due an unfortunate (if not farcical) injury to his little toe (left, not right, leg; no relation to D. Trump's hand [pictured above]), your blogger has had to reorient his near daily constitutional, which included picking up (and disposing of) plastic water bottles, in public waste disposal bins. Don't worry: Your scribbler won't harp on the kind of trash he's picked up in the recent past, which includes (of all waste!) used prophylactics, removed by him from the public space with the help of a branch, easily found in his tree-filled neighborhood. So ... for now your communicator (YC, for short) has reduced his "constitutional" to a walk (not a jog as in the past) up and down a segment of Connecticut Avenue (Porter Street to UDC), in his Cleveland Park neighborhood, a stroll which ...