7/30: No News (which of course is the ultimate "breaking news") --- The Ultimate "Breaking News"

 Image result for deer paRK

This Blog is Dedicated to the Emperor of the Disunited-States, D. Trump!!! 

Image result for trump drinking from water bottle

7/30: Much non-Breaking but not Disappointing/Exciting Plastic Water Bottle News!!!!: Only one PWB found by your blogger, an lost-and-found item with an ever-present label (see above image), evidently the most popular H2O in the Imperial Capital!

This blog is dedicated to the 45th President of the United States, D. Trump!


7/29 [blog is updated near-daily; check its mission statement/archive)

Much less than yesterdays's Top-Ten (see below), only six plastic water bottles (pwbs) found in my today's 75-minute pwb expeditionary jog/stroll in the North West (NW) section of the Imperial Capital (see below map).

Image result for northwest washington

Well, OK, give me a break -- It can't match yesterday's ten-pbws take (see below) -- when ten pwbs were found by your blogger (bear in mind that Sunday was a day after Saturday, during which taxpayers, on a week-end break, forget/ignore on where to put their trash, and just dump it anywhere; such is a fully-functioning democracy [?]).

Here is one image of an item, found by yours truly today, among of these hithertofore undiscovered plastic jewels/icons:

Image result for ice canyons natural spring water

And another ...

Image result for refreshe fresh water
Warning: JB label image not quite similar that the one I found on the street

Addendum: maybe of interest:

Image result for Plastic garbage lying on the Aegean sea beach near Athens on June 26, 2018 , Greece.

Image from article: Plastic garbage lying on the Aegean sea beach near Athens on June 26, 2018, Greece. (Getty/Milos Bicanski)

Matthew Rozsa, "Biodegradable plastics have existed for decades. So why aren't they mainstream? As earth's oceans Becoming a plastic dumpimg ground, why haven't biodegradable plastics been normalized yet?" https://www.salon.com/2019/07/28/biodegradable-plastics-have-existed-for-decades-so-why-arent-they-mainstream/


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