8/17 -- If the NY Stock Market's Going South, not so With the Plastic Water Bottles (PWBs) Collection in the Imperial Capital!!! There's now a Near Record Pick-up of PWBs in DC!

Image result for raiders of the lost ark

For an explanation of this last-minute-posted image see the below account in the main text

"Today [8/17], on the northern side of Porter [Street], not far from Rock Creek Park, I discovered that a quite unkempt grassy area until very recently was miraculously cut!!! 
(By whom I don't know). 

I [compiler of this blog] found there eight PWBS (plastic water bottles)!!!

To repeat, I found that the number of PWBs (not to speak of other s--it) -- in that cleaned out area (by whom? the DC government) -- after some mud on my arms, was a spectacular EIGHT!!!

I felt like an archaeologist in ancient Egypt! I wish I'd had a camera to record, with images, these spectacular finds of a major symbol of our Western civilization -- Plastic Water Bottles!!!"

For previous editions of this blog, refer to

This blog is dedicated to our commander in chief, D. Trump

Trump Natural Spring water

"'He [D. Trump] is basically branding his Trump Tower presidential-elect meetings with his own Trump Organization Brand Sponsorship,' marketing expert and founder of the Brand Identity Center Chad Kawalec told TheWrap. 'The value of the exposure — the bottled water appears in nearly every photo and video segment from the conference room – is another incredible marketing freebee the Trump Org enjoys.  I’m sure you could find many bottled water marketers who would love that kind of exposure.'”



Today's remarkably positive PWBs (Plastic Water Bottles) pick-ups -- show spectacular gains in PWBs discoveries/retrievals.

Image result for map of nw washington dc

Here's the huge amounts of PWBs your blogger -- a self-starting PWBs pick-up-trash-with-my-own-hands entrepreneur -- picked up, put in his hand-carried trash bag, and placed in public receptacles:

Tilden Street: Two PWBs

Rock Creek Park: One PWB, evidently jettisoned into this magical area of the Imperial capital by the driver of a vehicle going southward in the road crossing the park; the PWB, still filled with water (not urine, as is not infrequently the case with PWBs with liquid still in them), settled on top of an elevated area of the Park, but I was able to pick it with the help of a long stick  -- and the assistance of a young, long-armed "simpatico" biker on Park's tail.

Porter Street: Eight PWBs! Amazing !!! Porter, home of comfortably looking, if not quite luxurious, homes/apartments, continues to make headlines news on this blog by its output of PWBs:

Image result for porter street washington dc map

Today, on the northern side of Porter, not far from Rock Creek Park, a quite unkempt grassy area until very recently was miraculously cut!!! (By whom I don't know). I found eight PWBS!!!

As I inspected, with my trash bag, the space (not an extensive one which I did not measure, but certainly of quite a few yards leading up from Rock Creek Park to an architecturally interesting Porter building with trash-filled curbs not infrequently facing it).

To repeat, I found that the the amount of PWB (not to speak of other s--it) -- in that cleaned out area (by whom? the DC government) -- after some mud on my arms, was a spectacular EIGHT!!!

I felt like an archaeologist in ancient Egypt! I wish I'd had a camera to record, with images, these spectacular finds ...

Connecticut Avenue. What a let-down after the Porter excitement finds ... only one solitary PWB abandoned on/near this main NW DC artery.

But this is not all, PWBs fans!!!

In today's solitary but exhilarating expedition, I found two PWBs that are not part of the Imperial Capital's ordinary PWBs landscape trash:

Here they are, friends, in images!!!

Image result for big win purified water

Price Rite Spring Water (shown here in a six-pak)  Image result for price rite spring water


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