8/22 - The Secret Disclosed !!! Where to Find the Most Used Plastic Water Bottles in a Small Corner of the Imperial Capital!!!

for previous editions of this blog, refer to

This blog is dedicated to the Prince Most Loved in Denmark,
D. "The Ham" Trump
(forget any "let" after "The Ham")

Image result for trump plastic water bottles

A hysterical note

Readers, if any, of this silly blog may have noticed that the prize for being the Kingdom of Used Plastic Water Bottles [PWBs] in NW DC -- belongs to prestigious Porter Street!!!

This observation is based on my near-daily, unscientific stroll/jog on-the-ground research re PWBs in a corner of the Imperial Capital during the past few months.

(See below image; more detailed maps of the area covered by your stroller, jogger/blogger can be found at 8/21 entry)

Map of Cleveland Park

Well, given Porter's PWBs reign, you can imagine your blogger's surprise that today (8/22), as he entered Porter Street after strolling/jogging in the magical Rock Creek Park in the AM, he initially could not locate any PWBs on Porter Street.

No PWBs on Porter!!!!

He thought it was history in the making, until ...

Until he approached Connecticut Avenue, at its intersection with Porter ...

And he could not help but notice, to his enormous disappointment/trepidation, that right before Port met Conn ...

Image result for porter connecticut washington dc map

Yes, right before Porter met Connecticut, there lay on Porter Street a miserable, squished PWB with an insignificant label.


So, your blogger was not, to his great disappointment, witnessing history in the making, as he picked up the mutilated PWB near the Port/Conn intersection; and, slightly later. placing his picked-up trash (granted, in a plastic trash bag), in one of many waste receptacles on Connecticut Avenue.


Together with the one PWB found on Porter, three other PWBs were discovered by your PWB scribe: One near Tilden, one on Connecticut, and one (still filled with water), under a bush in Picnic Area no. 1 of Rock Creek Park, the label of which your blogger, if his memory serves him right, had not been seen by him before.


Plastic Water Bottle in the News

PLASTICS: What’s recyclable, what becomes trash — and why, NPR. From the article:

These are the types of items the recycling system was developed to handle. The containers are firm, they don’t flatten out like paper and they’re made from a kind of plastic that manufacturers can easily sell for making products such as carpet, fleece clothing or even more plastic bottles. As for the caps, some sorting facilities want people to keep them on while others say to take them off. It depends on what equipment the local materials recovery facility has. If you keep them on and the MRF [material recovery facility] can’t process them, the caps can become dangerous. Bottles are subjected to high pressure in the sorting and baling process, which can force caps off at high speeds, potentially harming workers. However, other MRFs can capture and recycle the caps. Ask what your local facility prefers.

image from article

Jonathan Watts, "Microplastics in water: no proof yet they are harmful, says WHO: Report calls for more research and warns against complacency over the issue," The Guardian (21 August, 2019):

The WHO [World Health Organizationreport says microplastics in the water supply are less of a risk than bacteria and viruses.

Closeup of microplastics on a fingertip
Image from articlePhotograph: a-ts/Alamy Stock Photo


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