8/19: Nearly Incredible Plastic Water Bottle News!!! Read all About it!!!

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This blog is dedicated to the USA's commander in chief, D. Trump

Image result for trump plastic water bottles

This 8/19 mid AM, while taking a near-daily ca. 70 mins. stroll/jog where my steps meet the ground on a regular basis -- the NW section of the Imperial Capital -- I came to the sudden realization that THERE WERE NO PLASTIC WATER BOTTLES (PWBs) dumped on Tilden Street or in our magical Rock Creek Park since my last 8/18 stroll, areas infiltrated in the past with PWBs, if my memory serves me right since getting involved in a self-initiated PWBs trash pick-up project months ago!

Image result for map of nw washington dc

I was getting ready to compose a LOUD headline to this 8/19 blog entry (in order to show off my miserable Latin) with "Mirabile Dictu!!! Today There Were no Plastic Water Bottles Dumped in an Important Part of the Imperial Capital" until ...

Yes, until ...

Until I hit the intersection of Porter Street (the PWB trash star) and Connecticut Avenue, where a lonely PWB, all crumpled up, lay in a curb before a traffic light before the two streets meet...

Image result for porter street washington dc map

So gone was the fancy Latin headline.

And worse was yet to come ...

As I reached the finishing line of my plastic promenade, close to the Giant supermarket on Conn Av, I found yet another PWB (with a label so well known in DC that its identification is not even worth mentioning) ....

So a day that showed signs of being exhilarating turned out to be somewhat disappointing.

Such is life.

But still  -- All News, even if it's not news, is Breaking News!!!


Hell-ipcopter Noise Pollution Update (see)

Today AM 8/19 while enjoying the natural pleasures of Rock Creek Park as I pick up the trash violating it, I heard only two eardrum-busting hell-ipcopter flights over this magical space which, as a national treasure, deserves (don't you agree?) to be treated with as much respectful silence as possible (well, ok, it's not a cemetery, but let its visitors enjoy a little peace and quiet). [Note: I cannot claim that the hell-icopter noise I hear on a near daily basis in NW DC was produced by the below huge flying monster bug.]

US Marine Corps: HMX-1 Squadron

Real Good News for Once!

As I picked my last PWB for the day (8/19) -- on the east side of Conn Avenue -- I noticed, with considerable excitement, that some waste receptacles, on the other, west side of the street, next to UDC (University of the District of Columbia) had now been joined by "recycle" blue receptacles, with definitions inscribed upon them of what the recyclable items are items are ....

Image result for recyclable items waste receptables ble


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