9/20: The Latest News Report on a one-Person Plastic Water Bottle Pickup Program in The Imperial Capital!!!

Previous entries of this blog, which have appeared near-daily in recent months, can be found via

This blog is dedicated to D. Trump, commander in chief of the USA

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Image result for trump plastic water bottles
image from


Map of Cleveland Park

On 9/20, during your blogger's near-daily ca. 70 mins trash-picking stroll/jog in his Cleveland Park neighborhood (located in the NW quadrant of Washington, DC, where part of the magical Rock Creek Park, "an Oasis in the city," was founded and, thank the All-Mighty and the American taxpayer, still exists) he discovered and picked up (for disposal in nearby public waste receptacles) four plastic water bottles (PWBs) with labels often seen in his area, e.g. the label "Deer Park":

Deer Park Natural Spring Water, 16.9-oz, 40 Bottles (NLE1039244)


--Tilden Street: One pwb, in the reserved parking space of the Embassy
of the State of Kuwait

Image result for kuwait embassy washington dc

 --Porter Street, the Trash Kingdom of PWBs in Cleveland Park: two. In your blogger's, he hopes, not unfair/insolent, out-of-District designation to hard-working suburban citizens who, he suspects [wrongly?], park their car and dump their auto-trash on sidewalks/curbs before getting on the Metro Cleveland Park station, in walking distance nearby, when Porter intersects Connecticut

Image result for porter street washington dc map

 --Connecticut Avenue, one -- In its intersection with Upton street facing the Edmund Burke School. (Query: Perhaps this Progressive School could suggest to its brilliant, groovy, with-it students to pickup trash in the area where they study as they consume junk food outside of their school during, presumably, a "lunch break").

Map of Connecticut Ave NW & Upton St NW, Washington, DC 20008

Image result for burke school

News in the News

What can and cannot be recycled? (Ezequiel Becerra/AFP/Getty Images)
image from article

Tonya Mosley and Samantha Raphelson,"Exposing The Myth Of Plastic Recycling: Why A Majority Is Burned Or Thrown In A Landfill," https://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2019/09/20/how-to-recycle-plastic (09/20/2019):

"Instead of putting all of our focus into recycling, Enck [Judith Enck, a former regional Environmental Protection Agency official and founder of Beyond Plastics]

Enck image from

says, one solution is to be more mindful consumers and try to buy less plastic. “We can't recycle our way out of this problem,” she says. “We have to buy less plastic, and we need American and other businesses to make less plastic. There are alternatives, and I want to emphasize even the most careful consumer has a hard time avoiding plastics.”


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